BREaTHE will make you a better healer!

Dr. Alan Watkins says that we don’t have to be a Yogic Master to control our mind, we just need to know the “proper technique”. The level of control he is referring is to be able to generate “high quality thoughts” even when we are under heavy pressure.

His findings are that quality of our thoughts and the actual thoughts are hugely influenced by our biology. Quality of thinking cannot be improved just by thinking.

He shows how regulation of breath can improve the quality of thoughts in few minutes.

Out of the 12 different aspects of breath that can be regulated and the most important aspects are;

  • Rhythm
  • Smoothness
  • Breathing through the center of the chest

He gives an acronym for us to easily remember the technique,

BREaTHE – Breath Rhythmically, Evenly Through the Heart Everyday!

Watch his video below which was a part of TEDx event and if you resonate with the ideas, feel free to integrate them to your daily life and practice.

Love and Light,

Kolitha Gamaka

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